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Pastor's Column

Lessons from Lady Day

  What’s March 25? It’s the Annunciation of our Lord, or the day the angel Gabriel announced to the virgin Mary that our Lord Christ would assume a human nature and be conceived in her womb. The Annunciation is recorded in Luke 1:26-38. Why March 25 for this commemoration? From March 25 to December 25 (Christmas) is exactly nine months, the usual time a baby spends in its mother before being born. March 25 always falls during Lent, when the church recounts and applies Jesus’ suffering and death. So March 25 reminds us that Jesus was conceived and born precisely for this purpose, to be Savior, redeemer of our human nature from the inside out.

  It makes Christmas and Good Friday/Easter inseparable. You don’t get one without the other. In making that connection, the church year isn’t saying anything new. The boy promised to Mary would be “the Son of the Most High” who would sit on “the throne of his father David.” He would rule not for decades, but "forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” All these descriptors identify Jesus as the Messianic king promised in the Old Testament. This figure would prevail over God’s enemies and rule over God’s people, but he would prevail through suffering (Isaiah 52-53) and rule with grace (Isaiah 61:1-3).

  The Annunciation also focuses on Mary (hence the name “Lady Day,” an endearing reference to the Mother of God). What an example of humble curiosity (“How will this be?”) and accepting faith ("Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word”)! Her life’s plans and ambitions were all upended, but she takes the path God gives. Additionally, her vital role in Jesus’ work is part of a larger theme in Scripture. Unlike the exploitation of women prominent in other ancient religions, women hold an exalted place in the kingdom of God. Even paradise was “not good” without Eve, and we dare not criticize Eve for bringing sin to humanity since her daughter, Mary, provided everything needed to overcome the Fall: Jesus.

  Finally, men and women alike are told through the Annunciation, "Be like Mary.” She rejoiced that her Son would be her “Savior” (Luke 1:47), and she allowed the Word of God to change the trajectory of her life, knowing his purposes would be far more profound than the plans she would sacrifice along the way. The same is true for us. Yes, Mary had a unique role, and for that all generations call her blessed (Luke 1:48). But as God speaks to us in his Word today, his Spirit propels us on a course that will not go according to our plan but simultaneously will not be limited by our small vision and perspective. Guided by God, we can be assured that our faith, love, and commitment to the mission of Christ will have an impact far beyond us, even down to "all generations.”


(c) 2006 Frankenmuth News