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CEC seeks Bavarian Festival Princess candidates, Selection Tea is March 15

  One of the first signs that the annual Frankenmuth Bavarian Festival planning is underway is the selection of the Bavarian Festival Princess and Court for that particular year.

  The 66th annual Bavarian Fest is set for Thursday through Sunday, June 12-15, in Edwin Zehnder Park. However, getting the royalty trio lined up begins after the of each new calendar year.

  The annual Bavarian Festival Princess Court Selection Tea will take place on Saturday, March 15, in the Bavarian Inn Restaurant’s Swiss Rooms. The Frankenmuth Civic Events Council, organizers of the Fest since 1962, are seeking candidates, with a deadline to send in or email applications by Saturday, March 1.

  Darcy Nickless Berry and Juli Burns, veterans of the Princess program, are this year’s chair and co-chair.

  There are a few guidelines for the candidates. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-24 as of June 12, 2025, they must live within the Frankenmuth City, Township, or School District for at least three years, and/or attended Frankenmuth High School for at least three years with a high school diploma by June 12, 2025.........

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