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Frankenmuth News

Serving Frankenmuth Since 1906

Vol. 119 No. 31 In our 119th year!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Cass River Greenway review shows increased activity

  For the past 18 years, the Cass River Greenway Committee has been committed to increasing recreational use and improving the environmental well-being of the 73-mile-long Cass River.

  Robert Zeilinger, the longtime chairman of the CRGC, recently gave a year in review, discussing the work done in the year 2024.

  Zeilinger first listed the three primary goals of organization, which are:

  Develop recreational opportunities on the Cass River and along its corridor;

  Encourage preservation of wildlife habitat and critical natural lands and;

  Improve water quality of the Cass River.

  Several annual activities take place on or along the Cass River, including the 13th annual Cass River Swim Paddle Relay held June 22, with paddling and swimming originating from Vassar and Tuscola and ending in Frankenmuth at the Heritage Park boat launch.

  The Lighted  Kayak Parade took place August 3, sponsored by the Frankenmuth Parks and Recreation Department during the evening hours. Approximately 30 kayaks, decorated with Christmas-themed lights, paddled the Cass from the Heritage Park launch to the Frankenmuth River Place Shops and back.

  The annual Great Lakes Rendezvous took place August 16-18, held in Davis Park in Bridgeport.

  Canoeing for Conservation was a paddle from the M-13 boat launch to Wickes Park in Saginaw, sponsored by the Saginaw Conservation District on July 16. The event included information about aquatic invasive species and practice of proper boat cleaning techniques at the end of the trip.

  Below the Cass River rock ramp in Frankenmuth, there are a pair of Lake Sturgeon fingerling releases that occur in August and September. There are four total sites were releases take place, three on other rivers. The Lake Sturgeon restoration in the Saginaw Bay is primarily sponsored by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife and Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

  Approximately 300 young fish are released. St. Lorenz Lutheran School also participates in salmon and the Sturgeon in the Classroom program, raising one fish during the school year....

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